Does this sound familiar?
It’s a well-known conundrum in many families, these three small words sparking
dread amongst households across the country.
“What’s for dinner?”
Cue the cold sweat as you madly rush to try and put together a quick yet nutritious meal (aka miracle) using what’s left in the pantry – (7 tins of chickpeas and a half-eaten box of bbq crackers in case you were wondering – which is fine sometimes by the way – no judgement here).
As a passionate home cook, with a self-confessed love for planning, South Perth
local, Vicki Fitzgerald has combined her two passions to create The 2023 Dollop
Planner, designed to ease your mental load, reduce decision making fatigue and help you organise your food around your life in a way that suits you. With kitchen inspiration for every week of the year, the planner is also the perfect gift for fellow meal planning strugglers.
“I’ve had so many ‘What’s for dinner?’ discussions with friends, family and colleagues over the years.’ The question of what to eat has a way of taking over our thoughts, time and mental energy” says Vicki.

What does the 2023 Dollop Planner include?
- Seasonal produce and inspiration
- A weekly diary so that all your planning and organising is one simple place
- A meal plan template that sits next to your diary – so you can see which nights you’ll be home late and need a quick and easy dinner!
- Suggested meal plans that you can adapt and modify to suit you and your crew – or just blatantly copy
- Delicious and easy recipes
- International Food Days (I don’t know who makes these up – but if they help make the decision of what’s for dinner a little easier – then yay)
- Tips on all sorts including meal planning, lunchboxes, entertaining, how to choose wine, get your kids into the kitchen (those last two are unrelated) and more
- Tips and tricks to help with the lunchbox prep (hint: Sunday night dinners make fantastic leftovers!)
- Menu inspiration for special occasions – like a grand final party and Christmas, plus there’s plenty of blank space for your own notes too!
“I like the motivation it gives me to organise myself on a weekend for the week ahead. I’ve spent so much time stressing/being annoyed that no one else in my house can make any suggestions or sort what we’re having for dinner and it’s all on me. So now we all have the conversations on the weekend about what we are going to have during the week for dinners. Then hubby can start prepping stuff when he’s home from work first. And the kids actually look forward to eating the dinners they’ve suggested – rather than me telling them what they’re having and they don’t want it.” – Elizabeth, working mum of 2.

A special planner supporting an extra-special cause
The Dollop Planner has been finished to a high standard, with beautifully weighted fresh white paper (no more pens bleeding through) and you can get them fresh paper feels all the way to New Year’s Eve; nice solid binding and a durable cover too. Importantly, this book was designed, printed and created entirely in Australia.
Part proceeds from the sale of this planner will go to The Pirate Ship Foundation which raises funds to support vital world-class research into life-saving treatments for brain cancer. Following the diagnosis and treatment of her daughter with this disease, in 2016 Vicki founded the Brainchild Ball to raise funds for research into childhood brain cancer at the Telethon Kids Institute, an event that to date has raised a net total of over $2.5 million towards the cause.

How to get your copy of the 2023 Dollop Planner
Copies of the 2023 Dollop Planner, as well as everything one could possibly need to
whip their meal planning game into shape (think categorised shopping lists, divider tabs, tea towels and more!) can be purchased on the Dollop by Vicki website.
SPECIAL OFFER – Order your copy of the 2023 Dollop Planner by 28th February and receive a free set of school stickers to help you get organised for the new school year.

About Dollop by Vicki

A fully unqualified yet passionate home cook, Vicki’s training is about as far from cooking as it gets (having started as an accountant). Dollop seeks to use Vicki’s passion for cooking food, reading about food, thinking and talking about food and organisational skills to help others overcome the decision making fatigue and increase their confidence in the kitchen in answer to the everyday question “What’s for dinner?”
Make sure to follow Dollop by Vicki on Facebook and Instagram to get all the latest meal planning ideas, recipes and announcements about upcoming free workshops.