Welcome to Melville Mums, a platform connecting mums living in and around the City of Melville with local services, activities and events for themselves and their families.
The Melville Mums blog has loads of information on the top things to do, places to go plus expert advice on a range of topics. You can also check out upcoming events via our What’s On page, or browse the Business Directory for kids classes & activities, health & wellness practitioners, childcare services, and much more! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the latest discounts and promotions in our Offers section.
Come and join us in the Melville Mums Facebook group, a supportive community where local mums seek and share local recommendations, plus chat about all things parenting, family and general mum-life.
If you are a business owner and would like to promote your business to local mums and their families, check out our advertising options.
Want to learn more about the people behind Melville Mums? Meet the team.