Home Community & Fundraising The Nappy Collective May 2021- Find Your Local Drop Point

The Nappy Collective May 2021- Find Your Local Drop Point

The Nappy Collective May 2021- Find Your Local Drop Point

The May Collective is running from May 7 – 21 – it is so easy to take part!

What is The Nappy Collective?

The Nappy Collective is a community-led initiative, run mostly by volunteers. By the help of nappy donations, they provide nappies for children experiencing disadvantage across Australia. They run collectives every May and September.

In October 2013, the first Nappy Collective was launched via Facebook and within two weeks, over 1,500 nappies had been collected. Since then, the collectives have expanded right across Australia, bringing the total tally of nappies redistributed to over 4 million! Have a read of the amazing impact that The Nappy Collective has had on families in need from some real stories.

Nappy Stress – What is it?

“Nappy stress is the experience of families not having enough nappies to change their children as often as they need to. A family experiencing nappy stress is likely to cut back on other essentials like food in order to access nappies.”

Read more about Nappy Stress here.

How can donating nappies make a difference?

Donating nappies means children are kept clean and changed on a regular, hygienic basis. This in turn means a happier child. Parents don’t have the anxiety of worrying when they will have clean nappies again. Parents are also able to afford to pay for other essential items such as food and household bills.

If you want to find out more about how you can make a difference, have a look at The Nappy Collective for the support options.

Where’s your local drop point?

You can donate your spare unused disposable nappies to the below drop points from May 7th – 21st.

  • Bicton – Kirby Swim, Hawaiian’s Melville Plaza, 380 Canning Highway, Bicton
  • Booragoon – Ripe Maternity, 125 Risely Street, Booragoon
  • Claremont – Kirby Swim, 1 Queenslea Drive, Claremont
  • North Fremantle – Mint Wellbeing, 4/210 Queen Victoria Street, North Fremantle

If you can’t find your local group in the list above, have a look at this map to find your nearest drop point.

You can also register to become a drop point for the next Nappy Collective here.

Make a difference this Mother’s Day by helping out another parent with those nappies that are just taking up storage space!

For more information on this fantastic initiative, head over to The Nappy Collective.

Melville Mums
Author: Melville Mums