Home Getting to Know... Getting to Know Jules O’Driscoll – Sole Revival

Getting to Know Jules O’Driscoll – Sole Revival

Getting to Know Jules O’Driscoll – Sole Revival

Next up in the Melville Mums “Getting to Know…” blog series, we chat with Jules O’Driscoll, founder and head therapist at Sole Revival, about all things skincare and how the COVID-19 situation has changed her business for the better.

Sole Revival clinic in Winthrop, Perth

Hi, Jules. Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I moved from Scotland back to Perth to spend time with my daughter and my three gorgeous grandchildren, who I absolutely adore. I miss all my friends terribly at times. You don’t realise how many networks you have until they are gone (school, college, university, jobs, other mums, family), but it’s worth it and many of the clients I meet have gone on to become great friends. I’m definitely a people person and that’s one of the reasons I love my work so much. 

What inspired you to start Sole Revival?

I couldn’t find a job that catered to my skills. I work very differently from the typical therapist. Every client is unique and every treatment and product should be chosen to match their skin concerns and goals. I research everything and will only use top quality products that deliver results. I have an Ayurvedic Vegan range and a medical grade range. I’m holistic and hi-tech and the combination works very well.  

What are your top skincare tips?

Be consistent, regular treatments can not only correct your skin but prevent issues from arising and, if you do nothing else, at least cleanse and hydrate am and pm with good quality products. We are seeing a rise in people being more mindful of what they use on their skin as they realise how important it is. I know the product ingredients and what they do so I can tailor every treatment specifically for you. If I wouldn’t use it on myself, then I wouldn’t use it on you. 

Has the COVID-19 situation affected business? Have you had to do things differently over the past few months?

I quickly switched to online consultations and spent a lot of time brushing up my skills and doing online training. And I was finally brave enough to do what I always wanted to do and create a bespoke treatment menu, where you book your time and we deliver the treatment that’s best for you. It’s exciting and I have the COVID shut down to thank for that. I had put off doing it as I thought I would lose clients, but it’s been amazing!

So, what’s next for Sole Revival?

After revamping the website and throwing out the traditional menu, I also introduced new medical grade treatments that are really delivering great results. Every treatment is now customised. I’ve never been busier – clients love it and so do I. It’s so rewarding. 

What are some of your favourite places or things to do in the local area?

I think we have an abundance of local places that are unique. One of my favourite places to go to is Sensations Cafe in Ardross – the food is so healthy and delicious. I love taking my dog to all the local parks and walks around the river. I’m looking forward to the warmer weather coming in and meeting up with family and friends for picnics and barbecues. We have so much on our doorstep – I can’t wait to explore more of Perth. 

Where can we find you?

I am in Winthrop, and I regularly keep clients in the loop with social media posts on Instagram and Facebook.

How can our mums learn more about Sole Revival and what you offer?

You can follow us on social media or sign up to our VIP mailing list. VIPs always get to know about any gifts or specials first. I don’t bombard you (Mother’s Day, Xmas etc.) You’ll probably only get 5 or 6 newsletters a year and 80% of the time, there’s a gift or special included 🙌

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Melville Mums
Author: Melville Mums