Home Getting to Know... Getting to Know Hayley Burton – Slumber & Sprout

Getting to Know Hayley Burton – Slumber & Sprout

Getting to Know Hayley Burton – Slumber & Sprout
Copy Right Lana Pratt Photography

Next up in the Melville Mums “Getting to Know…” blog series, we learn more about Hayley Burton, toddler mum, sleep specialist and owner of Slumber & Sprout.

Hayley Burton - sleep specialist and owner of Slumber & Sprout
Copyright Lana Pratt Photography

Hi, Hayley. Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Hayley and I am a mama, wife and dog lover. I am an interior design enthusiast without the budget my taste requires, food appreciator and reluctant exerciser due to aforementioned food appreciator status. I love sleep to the point I am convinced I was a python in a previous life (Python’s sleep 18hrs a day!). 

My darling boy Cooper will be 2 years old in April 2020 and like every other mama out there I am consistently amazed by just how quickly time goes once you become a mum. Cooper is the light of my life, the centre of my universe and the reason for my prematurely greying hair. 

I moved to Perth from Auckland, New Zealand in 2008 and lived in Palmyra from 2014 – 2018 with my now husband. 13 months ago the family moved to our forever home in Ardross, which is such an amazing spot. 

Prior to starting Slumber & Sprout, I was a corporate Personal Assistant for 10 years which suited my type A personality to a tee. 

What inspired you to start Slumber & Sprout?

I’ve always been a lover of sleep, I could sleep all day long given the opportunity. So when I birthed a shocking sleeper I thought it was a cruel joke. After HOURS of research, struggles and tears over sleepless nights I finally turned Cooper into an amazing sleeper – but not before losing a good 6 months worth of sleep myself. 

From that point on I found myself passionately talking with other mums about what worked, what didn’t and how there had to be an easier way than sifting through bucket loads of conflicting information to find what worked for your individual little human. I was aware of sleep consultants but they were so far out of my price range, particularly for a new mum that had just spent a heap on completely unnecessary baby gear. 

When I came across the course to become a baby sleep consultant I knew I had found my calling. Talking about sleep all day and helping little ones get the sleep that they need and in turn give mums the opportunity to sleep again too? What could be more perfect. 

What’s the most common sleep issue you’re asked about? What are your top tips for achieving optimum sleep in babies/toddlers?

The 4 month mark is often a turning point for mums. Their little one goes through the 4 month regression which is a permanent change in sleep cycles and patterns, which often results in 2 hourly wakes through the night and the emergence of catnapping. The 4 month regression is actually a progression in your little one’s development but, after weeks or months of barely stringing together 5 hours sleep a night, it is difficult to view it in this positive manner. Teaching your little one to self settle (independently drift off to sleep) is the key to overcoming this regression and working toward great sleep. 

If you can establish healthy sleep habits from an early age then your journey toward great sleep will be a much simpler one. This often begins with creating an optimal sleep environment – complete darkness, white noise, perfect temperature and a sleeping bag or swaddle depending on age. 

I also recommend following my Instagram page which is loaded with free helpful advice to help you implement some positive changes to sleep on your own – sometimes a few tweaks are all that is required.

So, what’s next for Slumber & Sprout?

I am currently working on developing a solution to help as many mums as I can with their little one’s sleep. Often it is the price of working with a sleep consultant that prevents mums from being able to hire me, so I hope to develop a really cost effective way to help as many mums as possible. 

What are some of your favourite places or things to do in the local area?

I absolutely love The City of Melville and spend as much time locally as possible. 

You will find me at Old Boy café just about every morning – best muffins and coffee in town and they always spoil their customers of the dog variety! I am also a big fan of Coco Belle café. 

We are so blessed to live a short walk to the river, which is where I try to walk my border collie (albeit not as often as I should). My reluctant exercise takes place at F45 Booragoon.  

Ardross St is another favourite hotspot for foodie adventures and shopping – I may be a reluctant exerciser but I am not a reluctant activewear wearer! I also love the Palmyra Primary School Sunday markets – so great for the weekly fruit and vegetable shop. 

Do you have any advice for mums looking to start their own business?

Take the plunge! Yes, it is scary but it is definitely preferable to looking back and wondering “what if”. Filling your own cup as a mum is a vital part of being the best mama you can be, so if starting your own business is something you are passionate about and is going to help you feel fulfilled then ABSOLUTELY go for it. I love that Cooper sees me working hard everyday, I hope it inspires him to do the same when he is big.  

You can connect with Hayley via the Slumber & Sprout Facebook and Instagram pages. Come and join us in the Melville Mums Facebook group to meet other local mums and seek advice & tips on all things parenting.

Melville Mums
Author: Melville Mums