Home Getting to Know... Getting to Know Bec Petherick – CrossFit Quarter Melville

Getting to Know Bec Petherick – CrossFit Quarter Melville

Getting to Know Bec Petherick – CrossFit Quarter Melville

As part of our “Getting to Know…” series, I chatted with Bec Petherick, mum of 2 and owner of CrossFit Quarter Melville. Bec tells me more about how CFQ got started and why CrossFit is for everyone.

Hi, Bec. Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m Bec, married with 2 girls (Alice – 2 years and Hazel – 5 months) and I have lived in the local area (Bicton, Melville and now East Freo) for the past 10 years.

Before going on open-ended maternity leave with Alice (I literally gave birth to her the night I went on leave), I worked at an IT start up called Solv Solutions, based in Applecross. We developed, built and then had great success providing online injury management and safety software to 100’s of the biggest companies around Australia. This was all while running concurrently running CrossFit Quarter Melville, ensuring my life was pretty busy but nothing compared to 2 under 2 😊

What inspired you to start CrossFit Quarter?

I was introduced to CrossFit about 8-9 years ago while living in Melbourne and instantly fell in love with the style of training. On my return to Perth there were no CrossFit boxes (a box is what we call a CrossFit gym) around Bicton where I was going to be living so, armed with my Sports Science degree, a desire to share the experience I’ve had with others and knowledge of starting a business, CFQ was born. I loved the training so much and the community at my Melbourne gym, I was super keen to build and establish something here for all my friends and family to enjoy too.

What is CrossFit and who’s it for?

CrossFit is a strength & conditioning program that is designed for everyone. The biggest myth that I wish I could dispel about CrossFit is that you need to be fit to start.

That is certainly not the case, as everything we do is scalable and it is our belief that whether you are a high-performing athlete or a 80 year old grandmother, your movement requirements should differ by degree, not kind. We all need to be able to lift objects, squat down and move freely at some level, so we simply train in the gym to ensure that our life outside the gym is easier. And from my experience as a mum, being fit and strong is certainly a requirement for wrangling toddlers.

Entering into a CrossFit gym, it does look different to what you may be used to, usually with a large pull-up rig dominating the space, lots of barbells, kettle bells and rowing machines etc. but at CFQ we have such a diverse range of members and we all started as beginners. The most common thing people tell us once they start training is that they wonder why they were so nervous or that they wish they started sooner.

Melville Mums CrossFit Quarter Melville

Do you have any advice for mums getting back into fitness or how to schedule fitness into a busy day?

It’s tough! I know that first hand, especially now with two. Even with keys to a fully equipped gym and the knowledge to know what to do, it is not easy…but to me, it’s totally worth it.

Getting back into the gym more regularly this year, probably around the 3 month mark for my youngest, was the best thing I have done for myself and for everyone around me.

Initially I thought taking that hour or so out of the house was a bit indulgent but every time I left I came back energised, calmer and ready for the day or night-time routine/all nighter 😊

Exercise to me is my release, it was an opportunity to focus on myself and I can say that during each class I hardly ever thought about the 1000 things I had to do at home. I simply moved, got sweaty, enjoyed adult conversation and it was grand. It still is and it has become an almost non-negotiable for our household.

So my advice is to simply do what you can and just take the first step. Sometimes the hardest part of a workout is making the decision to do it, putting on your shoes and going.

But I can almost guarantee that once you get started then you won’t regret it.

And if it’s not the gym for you, if it’s yoga, going for a walk, swim at the beach, then my advice is to do that. And do it as often as you can.   

Someone once told me that your own health should always be your number one priority and I thought but surely my kids are more important. Although on reflection I tend to agree as if you don’t have your health then what good are you to anyone around you.

Can you tell us more about your CrossFit Quarter Teens program? What are the benefits of CrossFit for teens?

Our CrossFit Quarter Teens Program is for 12 – 17 year olds to help improve their fitness, strength, speed, power and stamina for their chosen sports. Or for those who simply wish to do CrossFit as their chosen sport.

We aim to build a group of motivated and enthusiastic athletes who encourage and inspire each other to improve at each session and it is a great opportunity for teens to meet and interact with others from different sporting codes and schools.

This program currently runs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 4pm, with athletes being able to attend once, twice or three times per week depending on their workload and other training commitments. Although, due to the popularity of this program so far this year, it looks as though we’ll soon be extending to offer classes every day.

A number of our teens have been training with us for a number of years and, as well as seeing their physical capabilities improve out of sight, we have also watched their self-esteem, confidence and mental fortitude build beyond anything we even expected. The teens look out for each other, welcome the new kids and help each other out as much as they can, ensuring they have also built their own community at CFQ.

Melville ums CrossFit Quarter Melville Teens Program

So, what’s next for CFQ?

Coming into our 8th year of operation in 2020, we aim to continue to provide a high level service to our current members, plenty of which have been training with us for 5 year plus, as well as hoping to see a number of new members through the doors to start their CrossFit journey.

Plus, I’ve just launched my own @coach.bec Instagram to help provide some insight and information to those who are not quite ready to step into the gym but looking to learn some things and perhaps start on their own.

What are some of your favourite places or things to do in the local area?

We are so incredibly grateful to live in such a wonderful area and most weekends you will find us at our favourite spot, Bicton Baths, usually with a Little Stove or Puck coffee in hand.

We have also been regulars at Kirby Swim Melville for the past 18 months and know all of the songs from library rhyme time.

When we do break out of our local circle, our Perth Zoo and Scitech memberships have been great investments to tire Alice out to ensure we get a good midday nap!

If you’ve heard about CrossFit before and been tempted to give it a try or are interested by the information above, then we’d love you to come down and give it a try. We regularly hold free beginner sessions, which I predominately coach, where we further explain everything about CrossFit, how we do things at CFQ and give you a small taste of what it’s like.

In addition, any teen is welcome to come down for a free trial in any Monday, Wednesday or Friday 4pm class.  

If you’re keen for either, just flick me an email at bec@crossfitquartermelville.com or reach out via Facebook or Instagram and we will take care of you.

Melville Mums
Author: Melville Mums