Home Community & Fundraising Buy Nothing Project – Find Your Local Community Group

Buy Nothing Project – Find Your Local Community Group

Buy Nothing Project – Find Your Local Community Group

The Buy Nothing Project is a worldwide social movement, with groups in 44 nations. Local groups form ‘gift economies’, where you can ‘gift’ something for free within your local community or you can find something for free. All the groups are formed through Facebook and are specific to your local community.

How does it work?

Post anything you’d like to give away, lend, or share amongst neighbours. Ask for anything you’d like to receive for free or borrow. 


  • Reduces waste that would otherwise go into landfill
  • Gives people the opportunity to reuse and recycle items
  • Reduces the demand on manufacturing and therefore supply, which in turn reduces wastage
  • Great for the environment
  • Encourages creativity
  • Connects you with your neighbours
  • Creates a sense of community and belonging in your neighbourhood

The Travelling Birthday Sign

“It started out as member A gifting to member B. Once member B was finished she decided to pass it on like a good neighbour. Member B was OVERWHELMED by the amount of neighbours who wanted to use the sign. Instead of picking just 1 person to pass it on to, member B decided to pass it to the whole group.

So far 30 members have shared the sign and we have over 70 members signed up to use it! It is such a great show of community and what the buy nothing project is all about!”

Local Buy Nothing Groups

If you can’t find your local group in the list above, have a look at this map to find your Facebook Buy Nothing Group, simply click on your suburb and the link will appear. You can also find your suburb at the Buy Nothing Project Website.

What the locals say…

“For me the buy nothing group has made me feel part of a community, not just where I live but of like-minded people. I love that we can share what we have from basic gifting (I’ll never buy toys again!) through to being able to gift excess fruit and plants from my garden, to sharing knowledge (the time I borrowed a paint spray gun and got helpful tips as well as the tool to use). It’s something that I can’t imagine my life without and love that so many people are embracing it.”

“My favourite aspect of the Buy Nothing Project is its environmental impact. Someone’s trash is definitely someone else’s treasure! Not only that, but the carbon footprint is greatly reduced when you can swing by locally to pick up that plant, bike or car seat instead of driving around shops trying to find them there.”

For more information on this fantastic initiative, head over to Buy Nothing Project.

Melville Mums
Author: Melville Mums