Relationship Specialist & Family Counselling
Empowering healthier, connected and loving relationships.
"Everything is possible as long as we want it"
Claire is a passionate and experienced Counsellor and works in partnership with the Association of Educational Counsellors & Relationship Educators of WA Inc (AECRE- based in Fremantle since 1987).
Her techniques and tools contain moral discipline and discipline of the mind in order to arrive at the purity of heart. This means we are no longer ruled by our feelings but by the strength of our will power and the agreed principles of Life.
Claire promises to be there for you every step of the way. Her goal is to guide and support you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life.
Her Vision:
Human beings are designed to be connected to one another for true happiness. Spreading the learning of positive communication between lovers and members of the family helping them become stronger in love and acceptance & developing more leadership skills for parents. Her ultimate purpose as a relationship specialist is to work with you as a team to strengthen yourself, your couple and/or family in true love and understanding, allowing strong and healthy future generations to follow.
Her mission:
Claire's focus is to support and empower individuals, couple and families heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. She achieves this by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns, and customizing a program plan with techniques and tools that will allow you to stay in line with your purpose. Sharing her knowledge and experience so you get the skills for life.
Her services:
- Couple program
- Parenting program
- Individual session
Visit her website for more information:
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